I just want to let you know that my sister is a study expert. Imagine a master ninja but in leaving cert study terms. That level of zen concentration, focus and flat out mad skillz BUT not in the field of stealth assassination, no no no, in the field of study. I may be giving away the secret of her study skills here but I'm pretty sure it consists of telling everyone you're going to get up early to study and then just watching Gok Wan on the telly. See below for diagram of 'Extreme Master Ninja study skills'.
Here's a list of other people who subscribe to my sisters method of super ninja intense study.
Trashcan Paddy: Trashcan Paddy graduated from the Master Ninja Study School in 73 and hasn't looked back since. He spreads his free time between licking windows and rummaging through things people dont want.
Honest Joe: Joe is an honest guy. Just look at his pic, he knows what he wants in life, beer, pot and a hooker. What? Just one hooker? Good man Joe. I see the 'Master Ninja Study Programme' worked wonders for you too.
Flipthebird Frank: Despite showing early promise as a Jack Nicholson tribute act the 'Master Ninja Study Programme' took over and the early mornings of lazing around in a ridiculous pink bathrobe watching Gok Wan marked Frank as one to watch. Currently trying to melt his own frozen piss that has attached him to his resident park bench.
Gok Wan? I think you need a telly to watch that...
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